Trimedic has become the leading providers of point-of-care diagnostic tests in Canada. Servicing clinics, hospitals, and treatment facilities throughout Canada. Trimedic has an extensive catalogue of licensed diagnostic tests that which includes infectious disease, fertility and veterinary testing.
Trimedic is continuously investing and working to help develop products with the goal of redefining diagnostic testing in Canada.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is for general information only. It is not intended to be medical advice and is not substitute to rely upon in place of a qualified practitioner in your jurisdiction. Trimedic Supply Network Ltd, and its affiliates make every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information that appears on its website, but cannot guarantee that it is error-free or complete. Not everything listed on this website has yet been licensed by Health Canada for sale. Please inquire within.
Hours we are open:
Mon – Fri: 9am – 4:30pm EST
Trimedic Inc. All Rights reserved.